What’s your opinion?


Do you agree that journalism education should acknowledge the merging of journalism, PR and advertising in the new media age?

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Total votes: 2
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2 participants

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2011-11-28 01:57

Question of this week may sound tricky, but many of us have to react to it every day – in newsrooms, at journalism schools or courses.

In the new media era, when every individual or any group can communicate freely and directly with other people and groups via numerous media channels, anyone can have almost immediate access to an abundance of information. An educated public will choose wisely on its own among the various kinds of information in a free marketplace. Will it? And do people on Facebook really want to distinguish advertising and PR from the content sent by their friends?

I would really like to know what you, Media Managers Club members, think about it.

2011-11-29 00:12

I have just stumbled upon interesting thoughts relevant to our question of the week on Mark Schaefer’s blog at www.businessesgrow.com:

“I think expectations of ‘truth’ and transparency is another way the social web have brought journalism and marketing together. For a brand to have integrity and to be successful, it can’t be spinning the truth around any more. There are a million watch dogs out there now and any one of them can sniff out a fake.”

And a follow-up comment by Kathleen Kinser Atkins:

“I see journalism, PR, and marketing blending. There are definitely crossovers, but 10 years ago there were no classes about social media. Since then, I've learned 75% of what I do today from blog posts, conferences, webinars, continuing education classes, etc. I certainly hope that university programs are teaching students about today's social media and the instructors aren't ignoring it.”