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What should be changed in journalism education?

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Adopt an “Internet first” mentality
Embed online tools throughout the curriculum
Teach also marketing and entrepreneurship
Acknowledge the merging of journalism, public relations and advertising
Get practitioners to teach
Teach journalism as a service, not as a commodity
Teach specialties, not generalities
Teach students to teach themselves
Other (please specify)
Total votes: 7
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7 participants

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2012-01-09 17:31

I think this issue should be addressed in different angels and first of all the curriculum of journalism program needs visual design to educate students in the principles that make a representation, a frame, an elevation, and a screen appealing or off putting. Apparently the course does not need to generate skilled designers’ rather, it should produce journalists who recognize when a presentation of news or journalism is effective, and when it is perplexing, intricate, and fails. And further in education it should be part that how a journalist could obtain, interview, write and report objectively rather than with agenda-driven biases, which plague so much of the schlock that passes for newspapering these days. Whatever happened to the Fourth Estate .And to adhere to the university in student-centered process of innovation in educational reform, general education and professional education must go hand in hand together for quality, innovation and personnel training services applied. News Discipline Course System Reform should be guaranteed to provide a solid basic knowledge of humanities education, journalism professional knowledge education, scientific thinking training, ability to use scientific tools, and media professional ability. Meanwhile in order to meet the need above, the design of the curriculum ought to consider both general education and journalism education in the field curriculum and system construction.

2012-01-10 02:05

From my perspective, new rules have to be developed between journalists and the subjects they write about – let it be politicians or celebrities. The need of new rules is mainly driven by the internet, but also by the power of the media-driven society we have nowadays. Right now, eg, the German president is in an highly interesting conflict with one of the most powerful media companies, called Springer. The president perceives this conflict as a "war" – which (apart from the facts behind the whole story) is not a good sign for the relationships between journalists and their subjects of interests. The president before resigned because he felt misunderstood in main points thus touching the dignity of the official role, also by the press. Lots of German politicians complain more or less openly that journalists can make or destroy their careers – they also know, though, that they can't live without it. This phenomenon can be observed internationally.

So, before those obviously needed new (global) rules of fair interaction can be taught, they need to be developed and negotiated between the involved parties. In the meantime, however, a higher sensitivity should be taught, best with practical cases in the classroom, involving politicians and their perspectives and perceptions.